# When going on a first date, never go to a club or movie because you want to spend this time talking to her and using the pick up artist skills that you've learned, which can be limited once you go into these places. Take her somewhere fun during the daytime (such as miniature golf, the beach, etc). This will lighten the tension and make both of you more comfortable, and also allow you to talk freely and kino her as much as possible.
# Never attempt to have sex with her unless you know (for sure) that you have the skills to pull it off the FIRST time. If you try and fail, chances are she will be extremely uncomfortable around you the next time you get together, and probably never return your calls or avoid you completely because the situation will have grown into something awkward that she would prefer to stay away from. Once you do have sex with a woman for the first time, NEVER ask the stupid question that people on TV always ask "Was it good?" This is not the way that an alpha male would act, because he will simply assume that she enjoyed it because women always enjoy him.
# Always change the amount of attention that you give her. For instance: Give a woman your undivided attention for an extended period of time one day, and then appear to be too busy to even talk to her the next. This will drive her crazy and you will be on her mind the entire day. She will be wondering if she said or did something wrong, and she will become much more interested in you because she won't be able to think about anything else. Women are emotional creature, and playing upon their emotions is a sure-fire way to keeping them attracted to you for as long as you like. Women want their own lives to seem as crazy and dramatic as a soap opera, so if you can manage to give that to them they'll love you for it.
# Once you are in an established relationship for a relatively long period of time, say this to your girl: "You know, you're probably my best friend". She will most likely burst into tears and will love you twice as much for saying it. *NOTE* Make sure you say this at the right time. For example, saying this while shopping at the mall would be a bad idea, but saying it late at night while your laying in bed would be on point like a fax machine. Also, only do this to your long term girlfriend, saying it to a woman that you've just recently met will be a one-way ticket to the "friends zone".
# Never bring a woman to a really expensive restaurant for any of the first few dates. You may think that you are impressing her, but all you are really doing is adding to the tension of the situation. You will also be raising her expectations and from then on she will expect you to ALWAYS take her to classy places. Unless you can afford to have a high maintenance woman, I suggest you take her on "normal" fun dates rather than on expensive boring ones. Be creative when choosing where to take your date, and it is important to remember that dates that include interactive activities that will require a lot of touching are ideal choices.
# Never... ever... borrow money from a woman. Even if she is a long term girlfriend and you need it badly. Women want a man that can support them in any situation. In a woman's mind "For rich or for poor" actually means "You better get rich, and if your poor I'm gone". If you borrow money she will be thinking "Hows he going to support me when he can't even take care of himself". Never let her know if your in financial trouble. *NOTE* Remember that this rule is only to be applied to long term relationships, and borrowing money from a woman that you are only dating/just met or even having her pay for things is fine and encouraged.
# Never become obsessed with a particular woman you've just met, no matter how hot she is or how much she seems to like you. If you think about her too much, you will begin building up tension in your mind which can affect how you act the next time you see her. That is when you need to be on top of your game, not looking like an idiot with nothing to say or acting needy/clingy. When you meet a woman that you think you may be really getting into, the best thing to do is to go out and meet even more women to keep your mind off of her.
thanks to becomeaplayer.com
Monday, May 5, 2008
13 Rules for relationships and dating... PART 2
13 Rules for relationships and dating... PART 1
# When asked "What are you doing?" never reply with "Nothing", always appear to be busy even if you are not. This will make you seem to be much more interesting. You want any woman that you are dating to think of you as a man who has many different aspects of his life and many things to do at all times. If you give off the vibe that you are the type of person that does not have much depth than you will not get very far in your relationships and they will typically end prematurely before you get what you want out of them.
# Never stay on the phone for a long period of time (unless a serious relationship has already been established) or you will appear to be a boring person simply because of the fact that you will appear to have nothing better to do. You should instead get off of the phone with a woman in less than 5 minutes in order to maintain the exciting, mysterious and attractive traits that made the woman interested in you in the first place. No excessive texting either!
# Never act submissive because you want to be the "Nice Guy". In the real world (outside of Hollywood) nice guys don't ever get the girls, so stand up for yourself and don't get used. However, don't become the "Jerk" either, the goal is to be likable while also showing strength by always expressing yourself and your opinions. The key to having a well rounded character is having a good balance of all things.
# Never, and I mean never, say "I love you" first. If you say these 3 words too early you can easily change a great relationship into an uncomfortable one (for the both of you), and possibly destroy it. Your goal at all times, even in a deep relationship, should be to maintain your position of power by keeping the woman chasing after your affection instead of you chasing her. As soon as you give up that power you will begin to lose control of other aspects of the relationship as well.
# Always keep exciting things happening in your existing relationship. Try new things (not only sexually) and never become lazy by just sitting around watching TV every night. If your girl becomes bored with the relationship she will leave or cheat on you. Remember "It's easier to steal someone else's girl than it is to keep your own!" With that in mind, if you've managed to get a great woman that is worth keeping, you must be prepared to put in the effort required to do so!
# Never act serious at the beginning of a new relationship. You may begin to develop strong feelings early on, but you don't want to scare your dream girl away by coming on too strong. Just try to relax and have fun while allowing your relationship to grow at a steady (but slow) pace. In the ideal situation, you will want HER to be to one pressing the issue and trying to evolve the relationship to the next level. This will happen naturally, but you must be patient and give it time. All good things come to those who wait.
Monday, April 21, 2008
What Women HATE Most About Single Guys
If you listen to a group of attractive, single women talking alone over dinner or drinks, the topic will always turn to MEN.
And in most cases, it will eventually turn into a RANT session about how hard it is to find good men to date...
Which will lead to a FULL-ON RAG SESSION about men in general...
...And wind up with a detailed list of all the traits guys have that are ANNOYING AS HELL.
The reality is that single women have an entire laundry list of traits, qualities, and characteristics that they HATE in single guys.
Did you know this?
I didn't think so.
Well, the truth is that up until a few years ago, I didn't know this either.
So take heart in the idea that you're about to learn something that most men on this planet will DIE not knowing.
My hope is that what I'm about to share with you will change how you interact with women FOREVER... and help you meet and date more of the kinds of women you're interested in.
For women, friendships and romantic relationships are two separate things. They are NOT the same.
One can lead to another, but it's RARE when it happens.
Remember that.
One CAN lead to another, but it's RARE.
"Romantic" relationships are very different from "friend" relationships.
While most men would sleep with most of their female "friends" if the woman "came on" to them, most women would NOT sleep with most men that they consider "just friends".
But why is this?
How do women differentiate between "just friends" and "I'll be intimate with you"?
And why is it so hard to become "more than friends" with a woman you've been "just friends" with for a long time?
The answer to this riddle is very interesting to me.
I believe that the answer comes down to understanding HOW women "know" when they want to "be intimate" with a man... and, even MORE importantly, understanding how women "know" when they DON'T want to "be intimate" with a man...
The thing that tells a woman whether the guy she's with is "friend" material or "lover" material is how she FEELS.
It's a combination of EMOTIONAL feelings and PHYSICAL feelings.
It is NOT logic.
She might USE logic to "rationalize" her decision... or she might USE logic to SOUND like she has a good reason for either "being with" or "not being with" a particular guy.
But don't let that distract you.
Logic isn't important AT ALL in this context.
So let me say this another way.
A woman FEELS something emotionally and/or physically, and then she uses those FEELINGS as the basis for her "decisions" and actions with a particular guy.
If she feels that "Ewwww Yuck!" feeling, then her "logical" conclusion will probably not be that she wants to date the guy in question.
If she feels that "It's Gettin' Hot in Here" feeling, then her "logical" conclusion will probably be that this guy is interesting and attractive, and a good "choice" to date. At this point she'll take ACTION on her feelings and thoughts...
It goes like this:
First the FEELING, then the THOUGHT... and THEN the action.
Now, with this in mind, let me ask you an important question:
How do most guys behave around women that they're "romantically" interested in?
And another:
What do they do to get the woman that's the object of their desires to be with them?
Take a few minutes to think about this. Make a list if you have paper and pen handy.
I'm serious. I'll wait.
Come back when you're finished.
Now take a look at your list.
I'll bet that almost every single thing on your list was something "external".
In other words, your list probably contains things like "Take her to dinner" and "Give her compliments" and "Buy her flowers" and "Call her often".
These are all things that demonstrate that he's INTERESTED.
They are NOT things that trigger those emotional and physical feelings inside of a woman that tell her that THIS IS THE GUY.
In other words, men try to use "props" to LET A WOMAN KNOW HE'S INTERESTED...
...HOPING that when the woman sees these displays she'll be interested in him.
Almost NONE of the things men do to court women make women FEEL ANYTHING even remotely similar to "Attraction" and "Arousal".
Of course, you know this.
You've probably done this stuff about a bazillion times. I have, too. I know what it's like to try OVER AND OVER to let a particular woman know that I'm interested... only to have her NOT RESPOND in a "romantic" way.
The PROBLEM with this kind of thing is that it makes TWO HUGE MISTAKES at once.
First, it's just the plain-old wrong way to go. Telling or showing a woman that you "like her" has no effect on how she feels about YOU.
In the moment it sure seems to make sense... "If I show her how I feel, she'll return the feelings".
Like I said, it seems like the right thing to do in the moment (when your inner little girl has a big fat crush). But it's not... it will have NO effect on her feelings for you.
And second, it communicates clearly that YOU DON'T GET IT. It tips a woman off INSTANTLY that you're not hip to what's going... and it kills your chances with her.
Say what?
You mean that doing nice things for women and trying to show how you feel can actually HURT your chances with a woman?
Yea, it can.
Look, if you've been dating a woman exclusively for six months, and her birthday comes... it's OK to buy her a gift and tell her that you like spending time with her.
But if you've known a woman for six DAYS and you try this kind of thing, you're going to shoot yourself in the foot.
Women are EXPERTS at recognizing men who DON'T GET IT. And if you DON'T get it, PLUS you're trying to compensate for the fact that you don't get it with gifts and compliments, then you're REALLY screwed (or not screwed, as the case may be).
Remember what I'm about to tell you.
Burn it into your mind.
Write it on a sticky-note and put it on your computer monitor...
Keep in mind that single, attractive women watch guys do this stuff 24/7. They shake their pretty heads and say "He doesn't get it... He doesn't get it... He doesn't get it" over and over and over.
The point is that if you DON'T GET IT, then nothing you do is going to work for you.
The problem is bigger than you can imagine, and you're going to need to take a totally different road to get where you're going...
Let's return to where we started.
There are a few particular things that REALLY annoy single, attractive women.
One of the reasons that these things annoy women is because they're DEAL KILLERS.
A woman can like everything about you, but if you do these things (or even ONE of these things); it can DESTROY your chances of success with a particular woman.
Here are a few of the BIG things that single women hate:
1) Giving Up Your Status In Exchange For Her Attention and Approval
If I had to describe the one single thing that both annoys women and DESTROYS a guy's chances, it would be this.
It has taken me a long time to see this particular pattern, but it's EVERYWHERE.
Men, in effect, say "Hi, I want your approval and attention. I'm willing to let YOU be the one who's in control... and let YOU call the shots... and do anything to please YOU... if you'll give me your attention and approval".
But the problem is that women DON'T WANT you to give up your status and "manliness".
Women aren't ATTRACTED to men who act weak and tentative.
Women secretly HATE IT when a guy does something to demonstrate that he'll give away his power in return for approval.
I could literally write an entire book on this one single concept.
Take a few minutes to think this one over, and maybe write down the ways that you make this mistake with women.
More importantly, think about how you're going to STOP DOING IT IMMEDIATELY.
2) Being Needy, Clingy, and Insecure
When one person "clings" to another person "psychologically", the person who is being "clinged to" RESENTS and REJECTS the needy, clingy emotional parasite...
This is WUSS behavior at its worst.
If a guy is on the phone with a girl he just met, and she says "Hey, I have to go", he might say "Aw, well... um... OK. Um, will you call me when you get home?".
Or let's say a guy and a girl are out on their first date, and they're walking around in a large department store.
Most guys will follow the woman everywhere, and not leave her side for a minute.
If she wanders away, he'll come find her IMMEDIATELY.
He'll stay physically close to her, as if he's afraid she'll leave without him.
And an even worse example is a guy who is so emotionally insecure that he actually ASKS a woman to tell him that he's nice, fun, interesting, etc.
"Do you think I'm interesting?"
"Do you think we could ever have a relationship?"
"Am I your type?"
Women HATE this stuff. It makes them shiver with the heebie-jeebies. It makes them want to RUN AWAY.
3) Not Leading - And Even Worse, Trying To Get Her to Lead
Women have WUSS-DAR.
One of the things that trigger a woman's WUSS-DAR is a man who FOLLOWS.
The REAL problem is that most women won't try to LEAD naturally.
So you've got a situation where a man is trying to FOLLOW a woman who isn't LEADING.
He's looking for little cues so he knows where to go and what to do... but he isn't getting them.
So what does he do?
He ASKS for them!
He says "So, I was thinking of maybe taking you to Olive Garden for dinner... how does that sound?”
Everything about the way he asks says to the woman "I'm trying to figure out what you want me to do... please help me know how you want me to act, where you want me to take you, and what you want me to say".
Men who don't lead, and even worse, tries to get a woman to lead, ANNOY THE HELL OUT OF SINGLE WOMEN.
4) Using Insecure, Approval-Seeking, Low-Status Posture, Gestures, Voice Tone, and Body Language
There's a term that single, attractive, in-demand women use to describe men who use weak, approval-seeking posture, gestures, comments, and mannerisms...
The term is "NICE".
"He's nice... but... there's no chemistry."
This is one of those areas that's not easy to talk about.
Since SO DAMN MANY GUYS do this stuff, it's almost impossible to explain.
It's like trying to tell a fish that they're not going to get anywhere in life if they stay wet.
The fish doesn't even KNOW it's wet in the first place.
But let me try.
This is important.
Go spend a day observing couples.
Go places where couples that have just met spend time together.
Bars, clubs, coffee shops, whatever.
Now watch the GUYS.
Watch how they lean towards the women.
Watch how they raise their eyebrows in exaggerated response to women's comments.
Watch how they slump over, let their shoulders fall forward, and smile fake-ly at whatever the women say.
If you're close enough, listen to how men ask questions and make comments with a voice tone that says "I'm insecure and I'm trying to be extra nice to compensate for it".
You'll see it EVERYWHERE.
In fact, you'll see it so much that you'll probably write me back to tell me that I'm the one who's crazy, and that since it happens so much, it must be "the right way".
Well, it's not.
If there's one thing that triggers an attractive single woman's WUSS-DAR, it's a man's posture, gestures, eye contact, voice tone, etc.
It all happens in an INSTANT.
Women read this stuff and interpret it as instantly and accurately as you read and interpret the cover of Playboy.
I'd say that probably 90% of all men alive today INSTANTLY disqualify themselves with women because of this problem.
Their voice tone, gestures, posture, etc. TELEGRAPH the message that they're a WUSS.
They do a thousand weird little things to let a woman know that they're uncomfortable and "not being themselves".
And you guessed it...
Single women HATE IT!
5) Not Understanding that she’s A Woman and you’re A Man
I'm about to get philosophical on your ass, so be cool.
When it comes down to it, most men don't understand women.
But the REAL kicker is that most men don't understand MEN, either!
Most guys don't know what it's like to get in touch with their MALE NATURE.
Combine these two issues, and you get a guy who behaves in ways that DO NOT trigger ATTRACTION in women.
Women have a "nature". A female nature.
Men also have a "nature". You guessed it, it's a MALE nature.
Women are coy. They like to play hard to get. They like to enjoy the chase. They love anticipation. They love to "let a guy catch them"...
Men are competitive. Men are dominant. Men like to play rough games, win things, and rule their territory.
Well guess what?
Most men don't BEHAVE like men when they're in the presence of a woman that they "like".
And since most men don't understand female human nature, they don't demonstrate that they "get it" when they're with women that they "like".
Women like men. Men like women. There are POWERFUL causes at play here.
When you're around a woman you like, don't act like a GIRLY-MAN. It's not sexy, and it's not attractive...
And single women HATE IT!
6) Not Being Interesting To Be Around
Underneath most behavior that I see most guys acting out is a "core belief" that goes like this:
"I don't believe that an attractive woman would want to be around me just because she enjoys my presence... so I make up for it by saying and doing certain things that I hope she'll enjoy... and if she enjoys those other things enough, then maybe she'll want to spend more time with me."
Heavy, man.
Well guess what? Most attractive single women KNOW that if a guy isn't interesting to be around, they she's eventually going to go CRAZY being around him.
In other words, no amount of material gifts, compliments, dinners, and other "displays" will EVER compensate for a lack of BEING INTERESTING.
Here's a profound thought:
I and several other guys I know have many women who call us often... just because they enjoy being around us.
These women would be happy just to be in the same room with us... and enjoy our company.
And yes, these women CALL US.
Material gifts, food, flowers, and other "displays" have ZERO lasting value to a woman when it comes to how she FEELS about you...
An attractive single woman wants a guy who LIGHTS HER UP. She wants to FEEL GOOD.
She wants mystery... she wants to laugh... she wants a challenge... she wants sexual tension...
If you're using compliments, gifts, food, and other "displays" to get a woman's attention... you need to ask yourself a tough question:
Is it because you don't believe that a woman would want to be around you just to be around you?
Because if you don't know how to be INTERESTING to a woman, then no amount of compensation is going to fix the problem.
If you're boring, predictable, and uninteresting, then you're never going to have women calling YOU to hang out.
Oh, and women HATE IT.
7) Not Understanding Attraction
This is a BIGGIE.
You hear me talking about it all the time, right?
Maybe now that you've read this newsletter you'll have a better context to understand what I'm about to tell you...
If you "get it" with women, it's SUPER INTERESTING and ATTRACTIVE to them.
Women can INSTANTLY FEEL IT when they're with a guy who "gets it".
Women know very quickly if they're talking to a guy who understands himself and women... and who enjoys creating and building sexual tension.
Women know if a guy speaks the SECRET LANGUAGE of "Sexual Communication".
If he doesn't, then she stops all communication on that level.
If he does, then it continues.
ATTRACTION Isn't A Choice.
Attraction is an emotional and physical RESPONSE... and you can't "convince" a woman to feel it with logic, gifts, and NICENESS.
Attraction is the result of a woman meeting a man who understands how attraction works... and who knows what to do in each specific situation to progress to the next level.
The PROBLEM with ATTRACTION and with success with women in general is that the things you need to DO to be successful are NOT OBVIOUS.
They're "counter intuitive", in many cases.
In other words, they're the OPPOSITE of what you'd THINK would make sense.
You have to do things like CREATE TENSION... stop doing something that she likes... give her time to miss you... etc.
And if you don't understand ATTRACTION, a woman is going to KNOW IT.
And guess what?
Single women HATE IT when a man doesn't understand ATTRACTION and how to communicate on this "other level".
Now that I've shared the mistakes, you need the next piece of the puzzle. You need to get an education on how attraction works for women... and the RIGHT things to do up front to give her those emotional/physical feelings inside.
Right now you're probably feeling that excited "Ah Ha!" feeling.
That's because you understand something at a different level... you've used your mind to understand something complex... and you feel good about bettering yourself.
Well this is just the TIP of the iceberg.
As educational as this has been, this is only the beginning.
If you're starting to realize how important it is to get this area of your life handled, then I recommend you make a commitment and take your education to a WORLD CLASS level.
And what's the best way to do that?
Well, I've spent the last several years of my life figuring out exactly what does and doesn't work with women.
David DeAngelo
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Openers For Approaching and Picking Up Women
I know a lot of you guys are just breaking out of your shells and still need a little bit of help when approaching and picking up women, so I made this section to give you some basic risk-free openers that have been proven to work when attracting women. Enjoy!
Group Openers
* Which of you girls is the toughest?
* Which of you guys gets hit on the most?
* I know that look, are you guys male-bashing?
Openers For Any Situation
* Hey, I’m out meeting people tonight, what’s your name?
* How’s it going? We’re out picking up chicks.
* Are you single? So when are you asking me out?
Coffee Shop Openers
* Approach a girl (or group of) and say this "Hey, I'm doing a poll for college and I was wandering if you could help me out" once they say ok, ask them "Do you believe in Ghosts?"
Campus/School Openers
* Hey I need your opinion. I'm going on a blind date with a girl and I'm nervous, are there any tips you can give me so I don't look like an idiot?
* Hey, I'm new here, could you show me where the library is? (Then afterward) Ask to go for coffee.
Bookstore Openers
* Excuse me Miss, do you know any good books on relationships? My friend wants to spice up her sex life, any ideas?
* (While reading a book nonchalantly, shake your head and say) I just can't find what I'm looking for. How is your book, is it any good?
Mall Openers
* Hey, do you know where the JC Penny is at? I'm looking for a birthday for my little sister. Actually, have you got any ideas?
* (In a clothing store) Hey, I need a female opinion, what would look better, this or that?
* (Approaching a group) So how do you all know each other?
Club/Bar Openers
* Are you guys shy? I've been talking to my buddy here for ten minutes and you still haven't said "hi" to us.
* Can I buy you a drink? (after she says yes) Can I borrow 5 bucks?
* Are you guys super-shy or what? I’ve been here for ten minutes and you haven’t offered to buy me a drink or even said hello.
* I know you probably get no attention from guys whatsoever, so I thought I’d come and make some conversation with you.
thanks to theplayersociety.com
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Mini-Rules For Approaching Women
Mini-Rules For Approaching Women | | | |
2. Avoid picking up angry/sad looking women.
3. Figure out what you're going to say before you say it.
4. If she's giving one-word answers, leave, she is not interested or attracted to you.
5. Just do it, and don't over analyze!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Flirting tips - or how to pick up and get laid the easy way 1.4
- This one is just dirty
- Tickle tickle tickle
- The seductive smile...
- Do this... but watch out for a cat fight!
aritcle thanks to www.becomeaplayer.com
Flirting tips - or how to pick up and get laid the easy way 1.3
- Let's go back to school...
- Just touch her already, you'll probably like it:)
- And they say WE think about it all day long
- Surprize! But it ain't your birthday!
aritcle thanks to www.becomeaplayer.com
Flirting tips - or how to pick up and get laid the easy way 1.2
- On the rebound
- It was an accident, I swear!
- Your the man!
- Just do it... do it... DO IT!
aritcle thanks to www.becomeaplayer.com
Flirting tips - or how to pick up and get laid the easy way 1.1
- We can't stop, won't stop...
- Let me get that for you
- Isolation
- Your ok... but your friend is better
thanks to becomeaplayer.com
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The Conversation Tips- pick up women and get laid easy
For better or worse
This ice breaker is so effective that it can work on just about any type of girl, it's pure gold. Try this : The next time you see a really hot babe that you have never met before say this simple phrase... "Will you marry me?" :) I know it sounds crazy, but if you say it with a smile on your face they will almost always think that you are joking... and in turn they will also be very flattered and think that you are cute and have a good sense on humor. Most girls have waited their entire lives to hear a man say those words to them, and by doing so (even though you are joking) you will be giving them a huge ego boost and they are sure to have a great day afterwards... and be thinking about you and what you said the entire time. After using this line make sure to try to continue the conversation and end up getting her number or setting up a date!
Fresh and new
When you are having that initial conversation with a new girl always try to keep the topics interesting by asking her questions that she is not used to getting from guys that hit on her and may have never even been asked before. By all means you should try to avoid asking her the typical questions like "Where do you live?", "Where do you go to school or work?" or "What do you do for fun?"... these will always lead to boring conversations resulting in her thinking you are boring as well. Come up with some good unique questions to ask that will keep her on her toes and interested, a good way to do this is to think of a bunch of them while you are at home and write them down, then try to memorize some of them before you go out. Try this a few times and experiment with different questions, you will find that some work better than others but almost all of them are much more effective than those "normal" questions that I described earlier.
Bragging gets you nowhere
I've noticed that many men like to brag about themselves in an attempt to impress women, they think that if they tell a girl about what they own or what they have done it will increase their chances of picking her up. This kind of strategy is probably the worst way to seduce girls in my opinion, and from my personal experiences in life I've found that the people that do the most talking about themselves are always the most insecure of us all. Men that feel the need to prove themselves to women through words are generally the type of guys that always have a ton of detailed stories to tell about how they bang tons of babes... but you never seem to actually SEE them with one. This is because they never really do get any girls, but because of the fact that they know that you have never seen them with any girls... they feel the need to prove themselves to you as well by making up tall tales. Men that like to brag don't get girls because girls are just not attracted to qualities in men that we TELL them that we have, they are attracted to the qualities in men that we SHOW them we have. We've all heard the old saying "Actions speak louder than words" and this is definitely one of the situations in which it applies. The moral of this tip is obvious : Never brag or try to make yourself seem better by talking about yourself to girls, instead show them that you are an attractive guy by letting what you do and who you are speak for you.
Here, let me give you my card :)
Greatest Ice breaker! Get business cards made that have "Smile if you want to sleep with me" printed on them as large as possible. Then approach a woman in a bar or club and hand her one of the cards without saying a word. Nine out of ten women won't be able to hold back a smile, and this creates the perfect opportunity to start a conversation... because the ice has already been broken.
Watch and learn
The best thing to say to a girl you've never met before is something based on observation... look at her clothes, bags and other stuff you can see to get an idea of something she likes then ask her a question about it, after she gives you an answer proceed to introduce yourself. I always try to "learn" as much as possible about a girl before I approach them... it can really suck if you just go in there blind and try to use a "general" line that you can use on any girl, because every girl is different :) Some people may think that it is "creepy" to do research and learn about a woman before you talk to her, but those people are always the ones who wonder why they fail 90% of the time when they try to talk to women, simply because they try to talk to her about something she is not interested in. By "research" I mean observing her for 10-20 second before approaching... not stalking her :)
Ok, your new name is...
When you call a girl up for the first time give her a "nikename" immediately and use it when she picks up, it doesn't have to be a unique nickname just something that only YOU call her, like you can say "Hey sugar" or "What's goin on beautiful". Always do this with new girls because once they get used to you saying it they will get attached to you faster. If you want to get her talking a lot and make your phone conversation last long you can first start off talking to her by using the above nickname tactic to build rapport, then proceed to something like "I was listening to the radio a little while ago and heard this song that goes like (recite the words of the chorus) and I cant figure out who it was, do you listen to (insert what type of music you think she might like)?" then she will say yes and maybe tell you who the singer is but that don't matter... disregard what she says and proceed to ask her who her favorite artists are and she will go off yapping... then listen to anything else she might say that can branch you off into another topic.
Talking about "the nasty"
Talking about sex with a girl is one of the easy-access "doorways" that you can use to get to the point of actually doing it. Here is a sure-fire way to get her talking about sex : Start talking about something the is not related to YOU and HER having sex (because that could scare her off)... but IS related to sex in general, like you could tell her that someone you know had a girls gone wild dvd and you thought it was funny, then ask her if she would even let someone film her doing that sort of thing... then just take it from there. Once you are talking about sex, if at any time she touches you in any way that means your making progress... because girls NEVER touch guys that they are not sexually attracted to.
Really, how bad could it be?
Don't worry too much about WHAT you say when having a conversation with a girl. HOW you say it, and your body language are much more important. Most guys are scared that a girl will laugh at them if they say the wrong thing... but that is simply a myth promoted by fear. I've never once heard of that happening to anyone besides in the movies. It's just not an issue in real life, so stop stressing over it and realize that almost any girl that you talk to will be happy and excited if you just be real with them... don't try too hard to be Cassanova or Don Juan, just be you.
Loud mouth bastards
Don't ever be that loud mouth bastard that's screaming "Let me see some titties!" at the top of his lungs... or hanging out of the passenger window like "Woooo, girl you got a fatty!". These are the type of guys that girls find funny and entertaining... but funny and entertaining does NOT make it to the bedroom. Don't smack girls on the ass in public, or grope them in any way the could embarass them... because once you make them feel uncomfortable around you in PUBLIC, how are they ever going to be comfortable around you ALONE? Think about it.
Something to calm those nerves
If you seem to be very laid back and "smooth" around women that you are not attracted to... but nervous as hell around hot women, try this strategy to help calm those nerves. First remember that you are a confident, suave player... and you can have any woman that you persue. Next look at the particular female from a critic's perspective... instead of focusing your attention on her good traits (and she may have many), focus your attention on her bad traits (and she may have little, but it does not matter). This works because you are now looking at this girl the same way that you look at the ones that you aren't attracted to, which is exactly what you needed to cure that nervousness!
You've gotta keep your head up
If something doesn't go your way, for example if you get rejected by a girl that you really had your eye on for a while... don't EVER let it get you down. That will only make a bad thing worse, and some guys never recover from something like that. Always remember, you are a player, and players don't ever walk around with their heads down. We take the loss, suck it up and move on to the next girl... because there's more fish in the sea than any one man can catch, and with enough skill and practice your bound to catch a big one. So be patient my players, your time will come if it hasn't already. Remember... we all have our bad days.
Use this line! Use this line!
Here is a good opener you can use: Find a woman that you are interested in and when you approach her say "I bet you have a beautiful smile", then smile and wait for her reaction. 99% of the time she will smile back, and when she does say "I knew it" and proceed to start a conversation with her. If she does not offer a reciprocal smile, simply say "I guess not" and walk away.
You've got nothing to lose
The guy who gets rejected the most is the guy who will leave with the most numbers! Quit being scared or rejection and just get out there and do it. The trick is to not think about it, if you start thinking "Should I talk to her or not?" then you will talk yourself out of it. Think about it this way, if you talk to her you might have a 50% chance of being rejected and a 50% chance of success, but if you don't talk to her you have a 0% chance of success. If you don't initiate the conversation it will most likely never take place!
Two birds with one stone
Ever get a woman's number, and when she gave it to you it seemed like she was really into you and that everything would go according to plan, but when you call her she makes up an excuse why she does not want to come out on a date? This is because of the fact that out of sight is out of mind. For instance, when a good salesman is trying to sell you something, he will do almost anything to make the sale before you leave, because if you walk out the door he knows that he will never see you again. This works the same way, you must always get her number AND set up a date when you first meet her, in other words... you must "close the sale". So from now on, replace the phrase "Can I get your number?" with "I'd like to take you out sometime, how about Saturday night?" and when she says ok, say "Cool, is there a number I can reach you at?". Trust me, it works like a rubber glock... anywhere, anytime, and every time :)
Those girls just love anticipation
When you are going to ask a girl out, try this unique trick that will make it much easier for you to do, and the girl much more interested in you: Tell her you are going to ask her out before you actually do. For instance, say something like "I'm going to ask you out, but not right now... I'm not in the mood". The anticipation will drive her nuts, because she has no idea when you are going to ask her out. You will be on her mind 24/7 until you eventually do ask her out, which you should do when she least expects it. You will get a yes almost every time with this technique!
Did anyone say open ended?
The opening line that you say to a woman when you first make your approach is extremely important, and by now you should know that pick up lines are no good. Try these opening lines that are very effective: "Why are you in such a good mood?" or "Why do you look so down?". Use the proper one based on your observations, and you will be very happy with the results. These lines will usually get her talking, because they demand more than a simple yes or no.
You can read this... but can you read those?
Ever have problems talking to girls in nightclubs just because of the simple fact that you can't hear them very well? If so, I've got a simple method to get around this, and that is to improve your lip reading skills. It sounds harder than it actually is, all you need to do is watch some tv! Next time you are watching some tv shows (familiar shows like Friends or Sienfeld seem to work well) put your tv on mute and try to fingure out what they are talking about. If you do this one time each week for 1-2 hours you will be able to read lips extremely well, this skill requires minimal practice to learn!
thanks to Become A player.com
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
What makes an alpha male
Girls are attract to alpha males, we all know this. It's built into them just like it is built into us to stare at a nice rack or ass... we simply can't help it, and neither can they. Right now I am about to explain the #1 thing that separates the alpha males from the rest of the pack... and no it is NOT confidence. You can have so much confidence that it seeps out of your ears but will still always be out done by someone that has this quality : Initiative. Initiative means that you are always first, and make sure of it.
You are the first to make a move in all situations : You walk straight up to a girl and initiate a conversation with her instead of waiting for her to come to you, you never walk behind other people when walking in a group... you stay in the front, you are the first to go when participate in activities like sports, you always go for the first kiss without asking, you always make the first move towards sex and always lead the girl to the bedroom, you are always the one who drives when you go out with others.
Get the idea?
Many guys have confidence, but not all of them can be called true alpha males because they lack initiative... and that is the trait that defines a true alpha male. At all times you should guarantee that you have the initiative, especially when you are in the presence of the opposite sex... even fight for it if you have to.
thanks to Become a Player
Thursday, March 6, 2008
MUST Rules for becoming more attractive...
# Variety is the key, switch up your hair style, cologne, and outfits on a regular basis. Women love men that they can not predict. You don't want to be viewed as being boring, do you? It would also be a good idea to have something unique about your appearance that sets you apart from the crowd, this will help to get you noticed more often by women and even approached by them. Having a unique appearance is one of the main ingredients to being viewed as someone who is interesting and a person that people will want to know more about.
# Always wear nice shoes. As men we may not notice anyone else's shoes, or care what ours look like most of the time. However, I can assure you that women do notice and this can be just the edge that you need. Woman typically like to classify men by the type and status of the shoes that we are wearing. For example, if a man is wearing crappy, worn down boots then most women will assume that he is a worker that makes very little money... and also doesn't care much about his appearance. However, if you slapped a brand new pair of sneakers on that same guy, women will think that he has a decent job and takes pride in what he looks like. This can make all of the difference in the world.
# Always wear cologne, and I'm not talking about cheap cologne like Preferred Stock. This rule is particularly important if you are frequenting bars and clubs looking for women, because you will be around many other people and a lot of smoke. The last thing you want is to show up at an after party smelling like a smoke bomb and other undesirable things. Every player should take the time to investigate different types of high end cologne and choose one (or many) that he feels is right for him.
# Women are attracted to courageous men, so never appear to be afraid of anything. If you are a wuss and you can't help it, I suggest avoiding situations that may produce confrontations, etc. If you are going to take on the role of the woman-getting alpha male, you must be fully prepared to defend that status even if it means getting into conflicts with other men or doing various things that you are uncomfortable with.
# Always iron your clothes before you go out. Better than that, iron your clothes before you go anywhere, you never know who you'll run into. Having wrinkles in your clothes can greatly affect how attractive women find you. Why do you think women find gay men so attractive? They pay close attention to their appearance and always make sure that they are looking top notch in any situation, so there is no reason why you should not do the same. Having a nice, clean appearance does NOT make you a metro sexual, it simply shows that you care about what you look like.
# While at a bar or nightclub, observe what type of clothes other men that are successful with the ladies are wearing, this will give you a general idea of what to wear. I can't tell you exactly what to wear because fashions tend to vary depending on where you live, but one simple rule to remember is: Dress to impress, always try to over-dress for the occasion. Women almost always assume that the best dressed men in the building are the most successful/highest paid. I'm not telling you to dress in a way that will only attract gold digger, but rather to dress in a way that will make others say "Wow, he looks like someone important."
# Develop a slightly arrogant, upright walk. Your walk greatly reflects how confident you are, and you should know by now that women love confidence. Plus always remember to keep your chest out and shoulders back, this will make you appear to be wider and stronger than you actually are. You want to give the impression that you are a man who is accustomed to getting women all of the time, and in order to do so your body language must show it.
# Always have breath mints or gum on you at all times. If you are talking to a woman and she smells bad breath, this will pretty much ruin your chances of EVER getting a kiss from her. Even us men would be reluctant to kiss someone with dragon breath. Would you kiss a super model if her breath smelled like sour milk?
Article THANKS to becomeaplayer.com
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Where To Pick Up Women - Great Places To Meet More Women
You don't have to find wonder woman to be happy.
There are women everywhere you go so let me open your eyes to endless possibilities and undiscovered 'untapped' locations that are FULL of women.
Picking up women is difficult for some while with others it can one of the easiest steps to finding women.
There are so many places I frequent when meeting women it isn’t funny … I may be picking up my dry cleaning and all of a sudden a cute red head walks in to pick up hers and we’ll start chatting.
It’s that easy for me…
I’m nothing special too … I’m freakishly tall, lanky, stoop slightly and have average looks however I still manage to strike up conversations with women EVERYWHERE I go…
Which means if I can do it then so can you.
This is a SKILL that most men can easily learn with patience and more importantly persistence.
Picking up women in bars is so old school. Now the hot and super attractive women don’t even frequent bars anymore because they get approached so many times. They’re sick of sleazy guys who “don’t get it” approaching them …
I mean who wouldn’t be sick of bars if you were approaches 30 times on Friday night …
Well I’m glad you’re here with me and learning these life-enhancing skills. Picking up women will be the easiest skill you could have with some practice.
Picking up women in “normal” places:
-The Bookstore; good places to meet women and this is the typical “dream” place that women want men to approach them in.
I occasionally approach women here. I spot women browsing through a book and say “Hey that’s a great book…would you like to know the ending?” this always gets a good laugh. Most of all during the day focus on being playful and non-threatening. Meeting women will be a lot more fun and enjoyable.
-Supermarket; awesome places for meeting women. Start slowly and un-confrontantional and progress into asking what she plans on cooking you for dinner.
-Shopping malls; these are excellent places to meet women. Get their opinion on fashion advice as some crazy Irish guy just tried to crack onto you. Ask her whether any of your current attire says “I cross onto the brown side” haha
-Parks; Get her opinion on anything here. In my experience most women are open to talking to people in parks, it should be quite easy you just have to see for yourself.
-Streets; I stop women all the time in the street and ask for directions, I then turn this around and get their opinion on something girly. This is the BEST way to meet women during the day. This does require some persistence, as it can be tough keeping their interest initially as MOST people walking in the street have a place to go. Then again some don’t. : )
-Touristy Places ;bring a camera down to these places and ask them to take a picture of you. Then continue the conversation easily by saying that they would make awesome photographers and should join your staff. Say this jokingly. Most women in these places will be chilled and wont be anywhere in a hurry.
-Department stores (sells clothing), another good way of meeting women. Ask her for an opinion on pink shirts for guys …Tell her you don’t get why guys where them.
-Coffee shops; my favorite (another one). Sit down and join them, tell them you can’t stay long and get their opinion on something. Stress to them you cant stay long as it’ll make them feel comfortable.
-While you’re driving (this is upper funny to try) I have a friend that does this all the time and gets massive success from it too. He drives just a Volvo too …He’ll be in the passenger seat and spot women while waiting for the traffic lights to change. He already has a cardboard prepared in his backseat and he’ll stick it to the car window “0403####098 LETS CHAT” the girl/s would giggle and call him then and there and he would chat. This is a very unique way of meeting women and is the most fun.
-Hotel Lobbies; if you travel quite a bit then this is a good way to meet women. Just make sure it’s a BUSY lobby and has a busy lobby bar (most do) you can start conversations here easy, as it shouldn’t be loud.
-Bus Stops; easy places for meeting women are bus stops. I usually start conversations with “have you been waiting long? …
This usually gets me a laugh and I continue on from there.
Trade Shows; great places for meeting women as if you’re an exhibitor you have a reason to chat with her. “How business, are you getting your name out there?” “How's your day going” you don’t necessarily have to use an opinion opener here you can just chat with her.
You now realize that meeting women is a lot easier now that you know where to find them. You ALSO have the regular places that I didn’t mention above like work, friends of friends, bars and clubs, online dating, social groups (tennis/clubs) and rock concerts : )
Article thanks to The Player Society
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Seducing girls - "almost" a complete guide But very good article
Improve appearance on day to day basis. Get organized - written goals/plans. Focus on these 3 areas:
-Gym & nutrition. Girls seem to value strong/raw physique much more than genetic good looks. This alone will transform seduction from a difficult mountain climb to a walk in the park. Girls will be much more cooperative early on. It is an absolute must.
-Dress with distinct style. Take it to the extreme in clubs/disco. Groom adequately. If odor/rash problem, try 5%vinegar instead of soap.
-Improve vibe/body language habits (see app. A)
Go to coffee shop/mall/pub/bar/club at least twice a week. On your way there, first focus on total relaxing - shut down all other thoughts (especially thoughts about girls). Then consider the incredible coincidence that put you into existence. Think about how lucky you are and how great life is compared to not existing. Really feel the gratitude for being alive, and put a big smile on your face. Continue focusing on this and other things you appreciate (see app. B).
When you arrive, all happy and relaxed, your first mission is to find something inside this environment that you appreciate. Then, turn immediately to the nearest girl and tell her. Say something like "I love this song!" or "Wow.. this couch is so soft.. and I love this texture!" (rub the material slowly). If you see a nice girl, tell her immediately (no delay) . Say something like "You look happy!" or "Aww.. you are so cute!" or "Nice hair! Is it real?" or "That shirt looks good on you!"...
Do not try to observe her reaction. Just continue smiling and commenting on things. Sit/stand with your side towards her. Keep everything light and relaxed. No need to talk non stop. Mix in some teasing and humor (see app. C for inspiration).
When she starts asking about you, say "Guess". Then dodge with joke answers (see list). Then break yourself off in middle of telling. Then try _obviously_ to change the subject. Girls find this little game of secrecy very exciting.
When she starts smiling a lot, tell her she smells good. Stroke her lightly. Talk less. Sit closer.
The end.
Appendix A - Vibe/BL
Attractive body language (BL) habits:
-Posture (straight as if pulled up by the back of head)
-Relaxed (eye lids, face, neck&shoulders, breathing etc)
-Spread out (occupying much space)
-Grace (move deliberately and slightly slowed - a bit like tai chi)
-Distant (as if surroundings are not very important - see BL note in app. B)
The 3 main seductive vibes:
Alpha Male - extra slow, arching neck, extra spread out, expand torso as if air balloon inside being filled. Effective for making girls notice you.
Exercise for learning alpha BL: Close your eyes and conjure mental picture of you being leader and protector of your tribe. Notice the BL details and how powerful and dominant you look. In your mind, climb into the picture and walk over to the alpha you. Step inside and become the alpha you with your BL. Notice how it feels. Find out what color do you associate with this feeling, and where in your body this feeling comes from. See how the feeling/color flows out from this place and fill every part of your body from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Make the feeling intense and the color bright all over your body. Imagine a volume button in the spot where the feeling comes from. Paint it in the same color and notice what it looks like. Imagine it slowly turning the feeling up to double intensity. Then gradually all the way up to 10 times as intense. From now on, turning this dial will boost your alpha vibe no matter what, so no need to think about the details.
Post Coital - extra emphasis on being relaxed and comfy. Extremely laid back and 'chill'. Slightly narrow eyes and some sleepy stretching. Totally unworried and distant, not caring about surroundings. Effective for making girls curious about you. Practice: Imagine having had crazy sex all night and now totally exhausted. Step into this image like described above.
Horny - unlike other two, strongly aware of girl (facing and looking at her). Very relaxed face with low eye lids and open mouth. Heavy breathing, lick/bite lips, let eyes wander down to girl's body. Effective for turning girls on. Practice: think of something that makes you horny and notice how it affects your BL. Intensify feeling. Intensify BL. (credit GunWitch)
Note on learning all this:
Only way to improve BL-habit is daily practice. Create a daily ritual where you first practice BL and then go into each of the 3 seductive attitudes. Do it together with something you already do every day (brushing teeth, walking to office etc..), so you never forget to practice. Make a small list of the things you want to practice, and keep it in bathroom. Also, whenever you catch yourself having bad BL (hunched, tense, hurried etc..), correct it at once.
Appendix B - Appreciate
Appreciation is to hold something in your mind with gratitude. When doing this, bad feelings are shut down and good feelings are strengthened. When a person is in this mental mode, its easy for others to see - its as if the bliss/happiness is bleeding out from every pore. Those feelings are contagious, so others will start to feel good too, even if they don't know why the person is happy. This creates a feeling of friendship and GOOD INTENTIONS. This is why appreciation is the ideal mental frame to be in when meeting new people (and socializing in general).
When focusing on things you dont have, you open your mind to the feeling of need (wanting something). This is the opposite of appreciation and leads to feelings like frustration, insecurity, sadness, discontent and so on. This is also easy for others to see, and it makes others insecure and uneasy about you. They can see you want something. They DOUBT your good intentions. This is why need is the WORST POSSIBLE frame for meeting people.
Needy people suffer from habits of seeking validation from others. Two things must be done to end this habit. The first is to focus your mind on appreciation - stop dwelling on all the stuff you want, and learn to appreciate areas that already satisfy you. Practice this every day. I recommend you do this during a daily routine like teeth brushing. Go through all the things that are going well and take moments to really feel the gratitude for each one.
Secondly, focus on appreciation when you socialize. Look actively for positive qualities in others, and let them know you noticed. Also look for positive things about surroundings or situation and talk warmly about them. Also talk about good experiences you have had lately, emphasizing how good it made you feel. Discipline yourself to steer all conversations down this path. In no time, this will transform you from a needy guy, to the type of guy everyone love to hang with.
A note on BL: Neediness (validation seeking) materializes itself as a large 'awareness radius' (how far away from yourself, you are aware of whats going on). To avoid sending out this bad vibe, try this little mind trick: Imagine a sphere around you. Everything outside the sphere doesn't exist. Then make the sphere as small as possible.
Appendix C - lines you can use or draw inspiration from
"Wow you look happy!" (credit Rageking)
"Aww so nice hair - is it real?" (pull hair) "HEY.. it moved!" (credit Style & Mystery)
"Aww what a nice fabric/material!" (grab/touch ha piece of her clothes – credit brooklyn)
"Wow.. I can see you work out.. now and then.."
"Wow, you look incredible today - did you take a shower?" (credit Viberateher)
Bump her so almost falls, then "Are you drunk?" (credit dahunter)
"My invisible friend just told me to talk to you!"
"Aww... you are soooo cute! I want to adopt you!" (credit Papa)
"Aww you are soo cute.. but we could never be a couple - we are too much the same.. we would fight and throw things and have incredible make up sex all over the place and fight more then sex fight sex fight.. too much drama and intense feelings!" (credit TylerDurden)
"Shit! A poisonous snake bit me in the testicles - you got to help me suck out the poison - now!"
"Bad girl!"
"Naughty girl!"
"You are trouble! I shouldn't be talking to you!"
"There is something mystical about you!"
"You look like you are hiding something!"
"I can't trust you!"
"Aww you look just like.. a little angel/princess!"
Dodge questions:
"Guess!" (credit TylerDurden)
"I'm an unemployed loser - I live with my mom."
"I'm an angel - one more good deed and I'll get my wings!" (credit TylerDurden)
"I'm a traveling underwear inspector!" (credit TylerDurden)
"I'm a freelance gynecologist - how long is it since your last check?" (credit TylerDurden)
"I'm an orgasmologist!" (credit TylerDurden)
"I'm 16 - 16 and unkissed!"
"You are.. 60! Hehe just kidding! Hey I was only kidding! You are.. 16 - sweet 16! 17 18 19! I refuse to believe you are older than 19!"
"I lost my teddy (puppy dog face).. would you sleep with me?"
"Aww I love you.. like a sister!"
"Won't you get too aroused if I sit this close?" (credit Nathan Szilard)
"I'm hard - are you wet?"
"My bedroom has a very interesting ceiling!"
"Aww.. you are so cute.. but we could never be a couple.. my mom would never approve!"
"My mom told me to stay away from bad girls!"
"I should have listened to my mom!" (Later in sarge)
"WTF!? I got no friends! Aha.. it must be my mom!" (Cell phone rings)
"I got phone phobia - is it ok if I make my mom call you?" (During #close)
"I dont know need to ask my mom." (credit Nightblue)
"My mom told me to be home before ten." (credit Nightblue)
"I can't help it. My mother raised me too well." (if she says you are too nice) (credit Style)
"I'm soooo lonely (puppy) I got no friends and nobody wants me! Tonight I'll go to bed all alone and cry silently until I fall asleep."
"I'm no good! I cheat, lie and dump girls on valentine's day."
"I'm no good for you - he is cute - he suits you - you look cute together!"
"Yeah I'm such a looser - you should get with this guy - look how cute he is, and he really likes you!"
"My penis is extremely small!"
"I'm a virgin!"
"Girls are so scary!"
"Im shy."
"This is why nobody wants me.. big tummy" (putting belly out and tapping it) "and tiny dick" (indicate 1 inch w/fingers + sad puppy face)
"I collect trash - I'm a trash man! Trash is MY LIFE! I plan a big career in trash!"
"As always, I'm out looking for my future wife. I have NO IDEA why its so hard to find her - I only have 2 tiny requirements! I'm a modest man - I don't ask for much! A perfect body.. and she must be VIRGIN. My dick is so small! I don't want her to have anything to compare me with. It would make me so insecure! I want to be her first and only lover! She must not have a dildo either. I'm afraid the dildo would come between us!"
Get up, stretch, look around and say "I got to go" … "to the toilet" with a wicked grin.
"Are you rich? Aww I need a rich GF who can support me while I start a boy band - The Whatever Boys! But hey - I need groupies too! But you don't look like groupie material - she can be my groupie and you can be my manager! Yeah!" (credit TylerDurden)
Appendix D - Some sex advice
-Don't undress girls. Start sexing instead (rubbing and dry-humping).
-Rub slowly towards pussy but make a turn so you barely miss it.
-When rubbing pussy, just graze it.
-When licking pussy, don't dive in. Home in slowly. Lick inner thighs a lot, barely touching pussy when you change side. Take time licking areas *close* to the pussy before licking IT.
-When time to put it in, don't! Rub clit with head of cock and put only head inside. Go back and forth between rubbing and putting only head inside.
-When fucking, start *very* slow and focus on getting maximum range of motion with every thrust. Accelerate much slower than she wants to.
Article thanks to fastseduction.com