- Let's go back to school...
Tease those girls, they like it! Remember back in 2nd grade when girls had "cooties" and you'd tease them, fight with them, and pick on them? Sure you do! It's time to go back to 2nd grade people, because women still respond positively to this. Teasing them lets them know that you are playful and could care less what they (or anyone) think about you. Women love care-free men that do what they want... and I know that you want to pick on them sometimes. Why? Because it's fun... and girls just wanna have fun, and they want a guy that they know they can have fun with. BE THAT GUY and you'll get more girls.
- Just touch her already, you'll probably like it:)
KINO KINO KINO! Touch those girls man! Touching is the most important part of flirting. Want to let a girl know that you like her? Touch her! Want to make a girl like you more? Touch her! Want to let a girl know that your not scared to touch her? Ok, you get my drift. Simply touch her hand or wrist, maybe even her arm and you will do all of the above. This is easy to do, it just takes some balls... so go out and a limb and touch hers :)
- And they say WE think about it all day long
Woman constantly talk abound finding their soul mate, knight in shining around, prince charming, etc. DON'T fall for this! This may be true that they all want these things deep down... but on the surface they are just as horny as we are! With that in mind, save the romantic relationship-based stuff for afterwards, the REAL way to a woman's heart is through her pants. Get her turned on and show her who's "the man" in bed, then she will fall in love with you.
- Surprize! But it ain't your birthday!
This is one of my favorite tricks to use in order to get that "first kiss" without all of the anticipation and awkwardness. Simply do the following, but make sure she has warmed up to you first, or she may get pissed: Ask her if she likes surprises, if she says yes... kiss her. If she says no, kiss her anyway, and then say "My bad, I forgot you didn't like surprises". This seems to work extremely well for me, and it's an easy, yet creative method to use.
aritcle thanks to www.becomeaplayer.com
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