Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mini-Rules For Approaching Women

Mini-Rules For Approaching Women
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1. Make sure you are in the right avenue for approaching (I.E. not at a funeral)

2. Avoid picking up angry/sad looking women.

3. Figure out what you're going to say before you say it.

4. If she's giving one-word answers, leave, she is not interested or attracted to you.

5. Just do it, and don't over analyze!

thanks to

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Flirting tips - or how to pick up and get laid the easy way 1.4

  • This one is just dirty
Tease her with attention. While you are macking on a particular girl, go away after you've talked for a while and begin talking to someone else. Try to make it a male friend you go talk to, or she will think your a player... (let's make that OUR secret, ok?). This will drive her crazy, and if you've made a decent impression on her, she won't be able to think of anything except you... and when your going to come back. Some of the bolder females out there may even come and butt into your new conversation. However, if she does not, go back after a short period of time and you will find her most happy that you did.
  • Tickle tickle tickle
Once you think she feels comfortable around you, and if it would be appropriate given the current situation, ask her if she is ticklish. If she answers yes or maybe, proceed with the tickling. If she answers no, say "I think your lying" and proceed with the tickling. From my observations, I would say that eight out of ten girls are ticklish. Plus, if she really likes you and is truly not ticklish, she will fake it anyway. Tickling is a very good trick to use because it involves touching, and you should touch her whenever possible. I can't really explain it, but for some reason women respond very well to the touch, as long as it's delivered in a respectful manner (no ass or boob grabbing people).
  • The seductive smile...
Upon making eye contact with a woman that you are interested in, always smile. I'm not talking about one of those huge "say cheese" smiles, rather a smirk (maybe a little bit more than a smirk) that says "I'm happy you've looked at me". Once smiling, hold the gaze for 1-2 seconds, then look away. After looking away, try to get her to make eye contact with you again, if this happens go over and talk to her, because her second look was your invitation.
  • Do this... but watch out for a cat fight!
While you are talking to a group of girls, always remember to flirt with ALL of them, even the ones that you don't find attractive. This will put them into "competitive mode", in which all of the women will begin to try to win your affection because of your display of interest in each of them. Once this is accomplished you will be able to have your pick out of any of them, because the woman you choose will feel like she is the "winner". Every girl wishes to feel like she is the best looking in her group, and if you help her achieve this goal, you will become her player in shining armor :)
aritcle thanks to

Flirting tips - or how to pick up and get laid the easy way 1.3

  • Let's go back to school...
Tease those girls, they like it! Remember back in 2nd grade when girls had "cooties" and you'd tease them, fight with them, and pick on them? Sure you do! It's time to go back to 2nd grade people, because women still respond positively to this. Teasing them lets them know that you are playful and could care less what they (or anyone) think about you. Women love care-free men that do what they want... and I know that you want to pick on them sometimes. Why? Because it's fun... and girls just wanna have fun, and they want a guy that they know they can have fun with. BE THAT GUY and you'll get more girls.
  • Just touch her already, you'll probably like it:)
KINO KINO KINO! Touch those girls man! Touching is the most important part of flirting. Want to let a girl know that you like her? Touch her! Want to make a girl like you more? Touch her! Want to let a girl know that your not scared to touch her? Ok, you get my drift. Simply touch her hand or wrist, maybe even her arm and you will do all of the above. This is easy to do, it just takes some balls... so go out and a limb and touch hers :)
  • And they say WE think about it all day long
Woman constantly talk abound finding their soul mate, knight in shining around, prince charming, etc. DON'T fall for this! This may be true that they all want these things deep down... but on the surface they are just as horny as we are! With that in mind, save the romantic relationship-based stuff for afterwards, the REAL way to a woman's heart is through her pants. Get her turned on and show her who's "the man" in bed, then she will fall in love with you.
  • Surprize! But it ain't your birthday!
This is one of my favorite tricks to use in order to get that "first kiss" without all of the anticipation and awkwardness. Simply do the following, but make sure she has warmed up to you first, or she may get pissed: Ask her if she likes surprises, if she says yes... kiss her. If she says no, kiss her anyway, and then say "My bad, I forgot you didn't like surprises". This seems to work extremely well for me, and it's an easy, yet creative method to use.
aritcle thanks to

Flirting tips - or how to pick up and get laid the easy way 1.2

  • On the rebound
Whenever a girl that you are talking to brings up the subject of her ex-boyfriend, you've got to immediately change the subject every time she does... the last thing you want is for her to think you are a "shoulder to cry on". If you learn that she had just recently gotten out of a long-term relationship it's kind of a sticky situation... you can most likely get her to want you in terms of sex/messing around... but after a relationship that lasted that long its too soon to pressure her into a relationship, it could possibly scare her off. The best thing might be to first get her in a playful mood or at least happy (and most importantly not thinking about her ex and realizing how much fun she is having without him) then explain to her that you want her to be your girl but you don't want to rush anything... tell her that you'll move at her pace and if she wants you to back off a little and slow down all she has to do is say so and you will... then tell her that you don't like playing games and if she wants to be your girl she going to have to tell you.
  • It was an accident, I swear!
Here is a good one I used a few times back in school... but it'll require some balls on your part. What you do is bump into her in the hallway and make sure you knock her books down (if she doesn't normally carry them then carry yours and when you bump her drop them) then when you both bend down to pick them up say something like "Wow, I've seen you in the hall a few times and thought you were kind of cute, but from up close your gorgeous" then tell her you want to chill with her after school and say "is there a number I can reach you at?" Make sure you ask for her number like that because it works 100 times better than "can i have your number", and you don't have to use that same compliment, you can use anything that you really like about her... if she is the type of girl that likes to dress impressive or look like she cares a lot about what clothes she wears (most are) then that might be the way to go... girls like that dress nice because they are hoping someone will notice and say something... you'll make her day if you tell her that her shirt/jeans look cool and she will like you a lot more because you noticed.
  • Your the man!
Act like your the king of the world. Be rude, but not enough to offend. Make yourself appear dominant in everything that you do... even if your not good at it! Tom Cruise can't really kick anyone's ass, but he sure looks like he can in his flicks, right? It's all about the illusion, people would rather see something that looks good than something that works better, master the illusion and you'll master the girls. Let them think you've got money even if you don't. Make them think you get all of the girls even if you've never been laid before. This is very easy to do, be creative... you can take this as far as you want to go with it!
  • Just do it... do it... DO IT!
Never ask a girl if you can kiss her! Just do it. This is one of those situations where females like to see a man that can take control and do what he wants, so show her that you've got the balls and just do it. If you ask her for permission in advance she'll think that your scared to be a man, and even if she still lets you kiss her... she'll think less of you afterward.
aritcle thanks to

Flirting tips - or how to pick up and get laid the easy way 1.1

  • We can't stop, won't stop...
Persistence can go a long way. When a woman rejects your initial advance it does not generally mean that you can not pick her up, in most cases it simply means that she will not let you have her that easily. To handle situations like this you can use the two minute rule : When you approach a girl you should always spit game to her for a FULL two minutes before walking away and accepting the fact that she is simply not interested... regardless of what she says during those two minutes. You will be surprised by how many women will start warming up to you within two minutes... and by using this technique you will end up with a much higher success rate than you would if you were to just accept defeat right away.

  • Let me get that for you
Here is a great kino tip... for those that don't know, simply put kino means the art of flirting by touch, for more in-depth information on kino do a search on it at this site and you'll find a few good articles. On with the tip : Whenever you are with a girl and her hair is falling in her face, gently use your index finger to "pull" the hair back and place it behind her ear. When you do this rub your finger down behind her ear all the way down to her ear lobe. Girls respond very well to this and it seems to have a comforting/soothing effect on them... they love it. You can do this as often as you like and once a particular girl becomes accustomed to you doing it to them they will even look forward to you doing it. As an added bonus you can say something nice to them or give them a good compliment while you do it, which will magnify the effect.
  • Isolation
When you are approaching a group of girls and you've already picked out the one that you want, the only thing that should be running through your mind is "I need to get her ALONE!". Yes, that it your first and foremost goal... to separate her from her friends. When I say alone I do not mean back at your place doing the nasty, save that for later. I mean you need to get her off to the side with you, away from her friends so that you can have a one on one conversation without anyone else around to ruin your game. Doing this also allows her to open up more and flirt with you the way that she really wants to, around her friend she will be more reserved because of the fear of them thinking that she is being slutty. Now before you even begin to isolate the girl, you first need to know that she will allow you to break her off from her group... and you do this by talking to the entire group while watching for signs of attraction from each of them. If you are not getting signals from your target girl that shows she is interested, but are getting them from one or two other girls in the group... you will either need to switch your target or forget about the approach. This is because girls tend to be very faithful to their friends when they are together, even though they are not very faithful to them when they aren't around. So if your initial target notices that one of her friends is feeling you right away, she may back down. This can not be said for all girls however, sometimes the group will go into competition mode in which they all compete for your attention... which is good. This is exactly why you first need to look for signs of attraction by talking to the entire group at first, because these type of situations can go down many different ways... and you have to be able to adapt on the spot if you want to successfully get one of them away from their friends. Once you know exactly which girl you are going to isolate, you can begin to focus your attention on her. At first begin to make eye contact with her while you are still asking questions to the entire group, then begin to ask questions directly to her... and when you feel the time is right, make the move. Say something to your target like "I want to show you something", after she says ok ask the other girls in the group "Can I borrow your friend for a second... I promise I'll bring her back". They will agree because if they do not the girl that you are trying to separate will feel as if she is being controlled by her friends which will embarrass her in front of you... in which case she will go with you anyway in an attempt to show you that her friends can not boss her around, so either way it works in your favor. Once you've got her off to the side spit game to her like a champ and get the digits, this is the easy part.
  • Your ok... but your friend is better
If you notice a girl that you like but she is with one of her friends, try this approach. My favorite way to do this is to talk to the "uglier" friend first in order to make the hot one jealous... because if you talk to the hot one directly the other might like you too and get jealous... then she will do just about anything to ruin your chances with her friend - not good! Go up to the ugly one and say something like "I really like your (insert something : pants, shirt, hair... anything) then after she says thanks quickly move on to the hot one and give her a compliment also... then keep talking to BOTH of them for a while, but gradually focusing more on the hot one, until the point comes when you are only talking to her... then end the conversation by getting her number and setting up a date.
thanks to

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Conversation Tips- pick up women and get laid easy

For better or worse
This ice breaker is so effective that it can work on just about any type of girl, it's pure gold. Try this : The next time you see a really hot babe that you have never met before say this simple phrase... "Will you marry me?" :) I know it sounds crazy, but if you say it with a smile on your face they will almost always think that you are joking... and in turn they will also be very flattered and think that you are cute and have a good sense on humor. Most girls have waited their entire lives to hear a man say those words to them, and by doing so (even though you are joking) you will be giving them a huge ego boost and they are sure to have a great day afterwards... and be thinking about you and what you said the entire time. After using this line make sure to try to continue the conversation and end up getting her number or setting up a date!
Fresh and new
When you are having that initial conversation with a new girl always try to keep the topics interesting by asking her questions that she is not used to getting from guys that hit on her and may have never even been asked before. By all means you should try to avoid asking her the typical questions like "Where do you live?", "Where do you go to school or work?" or "What do you do for fun?"... these will always lead to boring conversations resulting in her thinking you are boring as well. Come up with some good unique questions to ask that will keep her on her toes and interested, a good way to do this is to think of a bunch of them while you are at home and write them down, then try to memorize some of them before you go out. Try this a few times and experiment with different questions, you will find that some work better than others but almost all of them are much more effective than those "normal" questions that I described earlier.
Bragging gets you nowhere
I've noticed that many men like to brag about themselves in an attempt to impress women, they think that if they tell a girl about what they own or what they have done it will increase their chances of picking her up. This kind of strategy is probably the worst way to seduce girls in my opinion, and from my personal experiences in life I've found that the people that do the most talking about themselves are always the most insecure of us all. Men that feel the need to prove themselves to women through words are generally the type of guys that always have a ton of detailed stories to tell about how they bang tons of babes... but you never seem to actually SEE them with one. This is because they never really do get any girls, but because of the fact that they know that you have never seen them with any girls... they feel the need to prove themselves to you as well by making up tall tales. Men that like to brag don't get girls because girls are just not attracted to qualities in men that we TELL them that we have, they are attracted to the qualities in men that we SHOW them we have. We've all heard the old saying "Actions speak louder than words" and this is definitely one of the situations in which it applies. The moral of this tip is obvious : Never brag or try to make yourself seem better by talking about yourself to girls, instead show them that you are an attractive guy by letting what you do and who you are speak for you.
Here, let me give you my card :)
Greatest Ice breaker! Get business cards made that have "Smile if you want to sleep with me" printed on them as large as possible. Then approach a woman in a bar or club and hand her one of the cards without saying a word. Nine out of ten women won't be able to hold back a smile, and this creates the perfect opportunity to start a conversation... because the ice has already been broken.
Watch and learn
The best thing to say to a girl you've never met before is something based on observation... look at her clothes, bags and other stuff you can see to get an idea of something she likes then ask her a question about it, after she gives you an answer proceed to introduce yourself. I always try to "learn" as much as possible about a girl before I approach them... it can really suck if you just go in there blind and try to use a "general" line that you can use on any girl, because every girl is different :) Some people may think that it is "creepy" to do research and learn about a woman before you talk to her, but those people are always the ones who wonder why they fail 90% of the time when they try to talk to women, simply because they try to talk to her about something she is not interested in. By "research" I mean observing her for 10-20 second before approaching... not stalking her :)
Ok, your new name is...
When you call a girl up for the first time give her a "nikename" immediately and use it when she picks up, it doesn't have to be a unique nickname just something that only YOU call her, like you can say "Hey sugar" or "What's goin on beautiful". Always do this with new girls because once they get used to you saying it they will get attached to you faster. If you want to get her talking a lot and make your phone conversation last long you can first start off talking to her by using the above nickname tactic to build rapport, then proceed to something like "I was listening to the radio a little while ago and heard this song that goes like (recite the words of the chorus) and I cant figure out who it was, do you listen to (insert what type of music you think she might like)?" then she will say yes and maybe tell you who the singer is but that don't matter... disregard what she says and proceed to ask her who her favorite artists are and she will go off yapping... then listen to anything else she might say that can branch you off into another topic.
Talking about "the nasty"
Talking about sex with a girl is one of the easy-access "doorways" that you can use to get to the point of actually doing it. Here is a sure-fire way to get her talking about sex : Start talking about something the is not related to YOU and HER having sex (because that could scare her off)... but IS related to sex in general, like you could tell her that someone you know had a girls gone wild dvd and you thought it was funny, then ask her if she would even let someone film her doing that sort of thing... then just take it from there. Once you are talking about sex, if at any time she touches you in any way that means your making progress... because girls NEVER touch guys that they are not sexually attracted to.
Really, how bad could it be?
Don't worry too much about WHAT you say when having a conversation with a girl. HOW you say it, and your body language are much more important. Most guys are scared that a girl will laugh at them if they say the wrong thing... but that is simply a myth promoted by fear. I've never once heard of that happening to anyone besides in the movies. It's just not an issue in real life, so stop stressing over it and realize that almost any girl that you talk to will be happy and excited if you just be real with them... don't try too hard to be Cassanova or Don Juan, just be you.
Loud mouth bastards
Don't ever be that loud mouth bastard that's screaming "Let me see some titties!" at the top of his lungs... or hanging out of the passenger window like "Woooo, girl you got a fatty!". These are the type of guys that girls find funny and entertaining... but funny and entertaining does NOT make it to the bedroom. Don't smack girls on the ass in public, or grope them in any way the could embarass them... because once you make them feel uncomfortable around you in PUBLIC, how are they ever going to be comfortable around you ALONE? Think about it.
Something to calm those nerves
If you seem to be very laid back and "smooth" around women that you are not attracted to... but nervous as hell around hot women, try this strategy to help calm those nerves. First remember that you are a confident, suave player... and you can have any woman that you persue. Next look at the particular female from a critic's perspective... instead of focusing your attention on her good traits (and she may have many), focus your attention on her bad traits (and she may have little, but it does not matter). This works because you are now looking at this girl the same way that you look at the ones that you aren't attracted to, which is exactly what you needed to cure that nervousness!
You've gotta keep your head up
If something doesn't go your way, for example if you get rejected by a girl that you really had your eye on for a while... don't EVER let it get you down. That will only make a bad thing worse, and some guys never recover from something like that. Always remember, you are a player, and players don't ever walk around with their heads down. We take the loss, suck it up and move on to the next girl... because there's more fish in the sea than any one man can catch, and with enough skill and practice your bound to catch a big one. So be patient my players, your time will come if it hasn't already. Remember... we all have our bad days.
Use this line! Use this line!
Here is a good opener you can use: Find a woman that you are interested in and when you approach her say "I bet you have a beautiful smile", then smile and wait for her reaction. 99% of the time she will smile back, and when she does say "I knew it" and proceed to start a conversation with her. If she does not offer a reciprocal smile, simply say "I guess not" and walk away.
You've got nothing to lose
The guy who gets rejected the most is the guy who will leave with the most numbers! Quit being scared or rejection and just get out there and do it. The trick is to not think about it, if you start thinking "Should I talk to her or not?" then you will talk yourself out of it. Think about it this way, if you talk to her you might have a 50% chance of being rejected and a 50% chance of success, but if you don't talk to her you have a 0% chance of success. If you don't initiate the conversation it will most likely never take place!
Two birds with one stone
Ever get a woman's number, and when she gave it to you it seemed like she was really into you and that everything would go according to plan, but when you call her she makes up an excuse why she does not want to come out on a date? This is because of the fact that out of sight is out of mind. For instance, when a good salesman is trying to sell you something, he will do almost anything to make the sale before you leave, because if you walk out the door he knows that he will never see you again. This works the same way, you must always get her number AND set up a date when you first meet her, in other words... you must "close the sale". So from now on, replace the phrase "Can I get your number?" with "I'd like to take you out sometime, how about Saturday night?" and when she says ok, say "Cool, is there a number I can reach you at?". Trust me, it works like a rubber glock... anywhere, anytime, and every time :)
Those girls just love anticipation
When you are going to ask a girl out, try this unique trick that will make it much easier for you to do, and the girl much more interested in you: Tell her you are going to ask her out before you actually do. For instance, say something like "I'm going to ask you out, but not right now... I'm not in the mood". The anticipation will drive her nuts, because she has no idea when you are going to ask her out. You will be on her mind 24/7 until you eventually do ask her out, which you should do when she least expects it. You will get a yes almost every time with this technique!
Did anyone say open ended?
The opening line that you say to a woman when you first make your approach is extremely important, and by now you should know that pick up lines are no good. Try these opening lines that are very effective: "Why are you in such a good mood?" or "Why do you look so down?". Use the proper one based on your observations, and you will be very happy with the results. These lines will usually get her talking, because they demand more than a simple yes or no.
You can read this... but can you read those?
Ever have problems talking to girls in nightclubs just because of the simple fact that you can't hear them very well? If so, I've got a simple method to get around this, and that is to improve your lip reading skills. It sounds harder than it actually is, all you need to do is watch some tv! Next time you are watching some tv shows (familiar shows like Friends or Sienfeld seem to work well) put your tv on mute and try to fingure out what they are talking about. If you do this one time each week for 1-2 hours you will be able to read lips extremely well, this skill requires minimal practice to learn!
thanks to Become A

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What makes an alpha male

Girls are attract to alpha males, we all know this. It's built into them just like it is built into us to stare at a nice rack or ass... we simply can't help it, and neither can they. Right now I am about to explain the #1 thing that separates the alpha males from the rest of the pack... and no it is NOT confidence. You can have so much confidence that it seeps out of your ears but will still always be out done by someone that has this quality : Initiative. Initiative means that you are always first, and make sure of it.
You are the first to make a move in all situations : You walk straight up to a girl and initiate a conversation with her instead of waiting for her to come to you, you never walk behind other people when walking in a group... you stay in the front, you are the first to go when participate in activities like sports, you always go for the first kiss without asking, you always make the first move towards sex and always lead the girl to the bedroom, you are always the one who drives when you go out with others.
Get the idea?
Many guys have confidence, but not all of them can be called true alpha males because they lack initiative... and that is the trait that defines a true alpha male. At all times you should guarantee that you have the initiative, especially when you are in the presence of the opposite sex... even fight for it if you have to.
thanks to Become a Player

Thursday, March 6, 2008

MUST Rules for becoming more attractive...

# Variety is the key, switch up your hair style, cologne, and outfits on a regular basis. Women love men that they can not predict. You don't want to be viewed as being boring, do you? It would also be a good idea to have something unique about your appearance that sets you apart from the crowd, this will help to get you noticed more often by women and even approached by them. Having a unique appearance is one of the main ingredients to being viewed as someone who is interesting and a person that people will want to know more about.

# Always wear nice shoes. As men we may not notice anyone else's shoes, or care what ours look like most of the time. However, I can assure you that women do notice and this can be just the edge that you need. Woman typically like to classify men by the type and status of the shoes that we are wearing. For example, if a man is wearing crappy, worn down boots then most women will assume that he is a worker that makes very little money... and also doesn't care much about his appearance. However, if you slapped a brand new pair of sneakers on that same guy, women will think that he has a decent job and takes pride in what he looks like. This can make all of the difference in the world.

# Always wear cologne, and I'm not talking about cheap cologne like Preferred Stock. This rule is particularly important if you are frequenting bars and clubs looking for women, because you will be around many other people and a lot of smoke. The last thing you want is to show up at an after party smelling like a smoke bomb and other undesirable things. Every player should take the time to investigate different types of high end cologne and choose one (or many) that he feels is right for him.

# Women are attracted to courageous men, so never appear to be afraid of anything. If you are a wuss and you can't help it, I suggest avoiding situations that may produce confrontations, etc. If you are going to take on the role of the woman-getting alpha male, you must be fully prepared to defend that status even if it means getting into conflicts with other men or doing various things that you are uncomfortable with.

# Always iron your clothes before you go out. Better than that, iron your clothes before you go anywhere, you never know who you'll run into. Having wrinkles in your clothes can greatly affect how attractive women find you. Why do you think women find gay men so attractive? They pay close attention to their appearance and always make sure that they are looking top notch in any situation, so there is no reason why you should not do the same. Having a nice, clean appearance does NOT make you a metro sexual, it simply shows that you care about what you look like.

# While at a bar or nightclub, observe what type of clothes other men that are successful with the ladies are wearing, this will give you a general idea of what to wear. I can't tell you exactly what to wear because fashions tend to vary depending on where you live, but one simple rule to remember is: Dress to impress, always try to over-dress for the occasion. Women almost always assume that the best dressed men in the building are the most successful/highest paid. I'm not telling you to dress in a way that will only attract gold digger, but rather to dress in a way that will make others say "Wow, he looks like someone important."

# Develop a slightly arrogant, upright walk. Your walk greatly reflects how confident you are, and you should know by now that women love confidence. Plus always remember to keep your chest out and shoulders back, this will make you appear to be wider and stronger than you actually are. You want to give the impression that you are a man who is accustomed to getting women all of the time, and in order to do so your body language must show it.

# Always have breath mints or gum on you at all times. If you are talking to a woman and she smells bad breath, this will pretty much ruin your chances of EVER getting a kiss from her. Even us men would be reluctant to kiss someone with dragon breath. Would you kiss a super model if her breath smelled like sour milk?

Article THANKS to

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Where To Pick Up Women - Great Places To Meet More Women

You don't have to find wonder woman to be happy.

There are women everywhere you go so let me open your eyes to endless possibilities and undiscovered 'untapped' locations that are FULL of women.

Picking up women is difficult for some while with others it can one of the easiest steps to finding women.

There are so many places I frequent when meeting women it isn’t funny … I may be picking up my dry cleaning and all of a sudden a cute red head walks in to pick up hers and we’ll start chatting.

It’s that easy for me…

I’m nothing special too … I’m freakishly tall, lanky, stoop slightly and have average looks however I still manage to strike up conversations with women EVERYWHERE I go…

Which means if I can do it then so can you.

This is a SKILL that most men can easily learn with patience and more importantly persistence.

Picking up women in bars is so old school. Now the hot and super attractive women don’t even frequent bars anymore because they get approached so many times. They’re sick of sleazy guys who “don’t get it” approaching them …

I mean who wouldn’t be sick of bars if you were approaches 30 times on Friday night …

Well I’m glad you’re here with me and learning these life-enhancing skills. Picking up women will be the easiest skill you could have with some practice.

Picking up women in “normal” places:

-The Bookstore; good places to meet women and this is the typical “dream” place that women want men to approach them in.

I occasionally approach women here. I spot women browsing through a book and say “Hey that’s a great book…would you like to know the ending?” this always gets a good laugh. Most of all during the day focus on being playful and non-threatening. Meeting women will be a lot more fun and enjoyable.

-Supermarket; awesome places for meeting women. Start slowly and un-confrontantional and progress into asking what she plans on cooking you for dinner.
-Shopping malls; these are excellent places to meet women. Get their opinion on fashion advice as some crazy Irish guy just tried to crack onto you. Ask her whether any of your current attire says “I cross onto the brown side” haha

-Parks; Get her opinion on anything here. In my experience most women are open to talking to people in parks, it should be quite easy you just have to see for yourself.
-Streets; I stop women all the time in the street and ask for directions, I then turn this around and get their opinion on something girly. This is the BEST way to meet women during the day. This does require some persistence, as it can be tough keeping their interest initially as MOST people walking in the street have a place to go. Then again some don’t. : )

-Touristy Places ;bring a camera down to these places and ask them to take a picture of you. Then continue the conversation easily by saying that they would make awesome photographers and should join your staff. Say this jokingly. Most women in these places will be chilled and wont be anywhere in a hurry.

-Department stores (sells clothing), another good way of meeting women. Ask her for an opinion on pink shirts for guys …Tell her you don’t get why guys where them.

-Coffee shops; my favorite (another one). Sit down and join them, tell them you can’t stay long and get their opinion on something. Stress to them you cant stay long as it’ll make them feel comfortable.

-While you’re driving (this is upper funny to try) I have a friend that does this all the time and gets massive success from it too. He drives just a Volvo too …He’ll be in the passenger seat and spot women while waiting for the traffic lights to change. He already has a cardboard prepared in his backseat and he’ll stick it to the car window “0403####098 LETS CHAT” the girl/s would giggle and call him then and there and he would chat. This is a very unique way of meeting women and is the most fun.
-Hotel Lobbies; if you travel quite a bit then this is a good way to meet women. Just make sure it’s a BUSY lobby and has a busy lobby bar (most do) you can start conversations here easy, as it shouldn’t be loud.

-Bus Stops; easy places for meeting women are bus stops. I usually start conversations with “have you been waiting long? ……thanks…the other day I had to wait here with Doris I think they call her..She’s the local hobo that collects plastic bags and feeds the pigeons …she had a bag full of live pigeons she was planning on selling… I give her more credit…she’s a business woman in disguise that Doris moving up the corporate ladder”

This usually gets me a laugh and I continue on from there.

Trade Shows; great places for meeting women as if you’re an exhibitor you have a reason to chat with her. “How business, are you getting your name out there?” “How's your day going” you don’t necessarily have to use an opinion opener here you can just chat with her.

You now realize that meeting women is a lot easier now that you know where to find them. You ALSO have the regular places that I didn’t mention above like work, friends of friends, bars and clubs, online dating, social groups (tennis/clubs) and rock concerts : )
Article thanks to The Player Society

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