# When going on a first date, never go to a club or movie because you want to spend this time talking to her and using the pick up artist skills that you've learned, which can be limited once you go into these places. Take her somewhere fun during the daytime (such as miniature golf, the beach, etc). This will lighten the tension and make both of you more comfortable, and also allow you to talk freely and kino her as much as possible.
# Never attempt to have sex with her unless you know (for sure) that you have the skills to pull it off the FIRST time. If you try and fail, chances are she will be extremely uncomfortable around you the next time you get together, and probably never return your calls or avoid you completely because the situation will have grown into something awkward that she would prefer to stay away from. Once you do have sex with a woman for the first time, NEVER ask the stupid question that people on TV always ask "Was it good?" This is not the way that an alpha male would act, because he will simply assume that she enjoyed it because women always enjoy him.
# Always change the amount of attention that you give her. For instance: Give a woman your undivided attention for an extended period of time one day, and then appear to be too busy to even talk to her the next. This will drive her crazy and you will be on her mind the entire day. She will be wondering if she said or did something wrong, and she will become much more interested in you because she won't be able to think about anything else. Women are emotional creature, and playing upon their emotions is a sure-fire way to keeping them attracted to you for as long as you like. Women want their own lives to seem as crazy and dramatic as a soap opera, so if you can manage to give that to them they'll love you for it.
# Once you are in an established relationship for a relatively long period of time, say this to your girl: "You know, you're probably my best friend". She will most likely burst into tears and will love you twice as much for saying it. *NOTE* Make sure you say this at the right time. For example, saying this while shopping at the mall would be a bad idea, but saying it late at night while your laying in bed would be on point like a fax machine. Also, only do this to your long term girlfriend, saying it to a woman that you've just recently met will be a one-way ticket to the "friends zone".
# Never bring a woman to a really expensive restaurant for any of the first few dates. You may think that you are impressing her, but all you are really doing is adding to the tension of the situation. You will also be raising her expectations and from then on she will expect you to ALWAYS take her to classy places. Unless you can afford to have a high maintenance woman, I suggest you take her on "normal" fun dates rather than on expensive boring ones. Be creative when choosing where to take your date, and it is important to remember that dates that include interactive activities that will require a lot of touching are ideal choices.
# Never... ever... borrow money from a woman. Even if she is a long term girlfriend and you need it badly. Women want a man that can support them in any situation. In a woman's mind "For rich or for poor" actually means "You better get rich, and if your poor I'm gone". If you borrow money she will be thinking "Hows he going to support me when he can't even take care of himself". Never let her know if your in financial trouble. *NOTE* Remember that this rule is only to be applied to long term relationships, and borrowing money from a woman that you are only dating/just met or even having her pay for things is fine and encouraged.
# Never become obsessed with a particular woman you've just met, no matter how hot she is or how much she seems to like you. If you think about her too much, you will begin building up tension in your mind which can affect how you act the next time you see her. That is when you need to be on top of your game, not looking like an idiot with nothing to say or acting needy/clingy. When you meet a woman that you think you may be really getting into, the best thing to do is to go out and meet even more women to keep your mind off of her.
thanks to becomeaplayer.com
Monday, May 5, 2008
13 Rules for relationships and dating... PART 2
13 Rules for relationships and dating... PART 1
# When asked "What are you doing?" never reply with "Nothing", always appear to be busy even if you are not. This will make you seem to be much more interesting. You want any woman that you are dating to think of you as a man who has many different aspects of his life and many things to do at all times. If you give off the vibe that you are the type of person that does not have much depth than you will not get very far in your relationships and they will typically end prematurely before you get what you want out of them.
# Never stay on the phone for a long period of time (unless a serious relationship has already been established) or you will appear to be a boring person simply because of the fact that you will appear to have nothing better to do. You should instead get off of the phone with a woman in less than 5 minutes in order to maintain the exciting, mysterious and attractive traits that made the woman interested in you in the first place. No excessive texting either!
# Never act submissive because you want to be the "Nice Guy". In the real world (outside of Hollywood) nice guys don't ever get the girls, so stand up for yourself and don't get used. However, don't become the "Jerk" either, the goal is to be likable while also showing strength by always expressing yourself and your opinions. The key to having a well rounded character is having a good balance of all things.
# Never, and I mean never, say "I love you" first. If you say these 3 words too early you can easily change a great relationship into an uncomfortable one (for the both of you), and possibly destroy it. Your goal at all times, even in a deep relationship, should be to maintain your position of power by keeping the woman chasing after your affection instead of you chasing her. As soon as you give up that power you will begin to lose control of other aspects of the relationship as well.
# Always keep exciting things happening in your existing relationship. Try new things (not only sexually) and never become lazy by just sitting around watching TV every night. If your girl becomes bored with the relationship she will leave or cheat on you. Remember "It's easier to steal someone else's girl than it is to keep your own!" With that in mind, if you've managed to get a great woman that is worth keeping, you must be prepared to put in the effort required to do so!
# Never act serious at the beginning of a new relationship. You may begin to develop strong feelings early on, but you don't want to scare your dream girl away by coming on too strong. Just try to relax and have fun while allowing your relationship to grow at a steady (but slow) pace. In the ideal situation, you will want HER to be to one pressing the issue and trying to evolve the relationship to the next level. This will happen naturally, but you must be patient and give it time. All good things come to those who wait.